Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Photos 2010 pt2

The rafter system partly constructed. The double rafter runs were fixed onto the beam system first (with extensive use of string lines to find any sort of level!), then the 'outrigger' areas (as in the photo) and then the central area surrounding the 'turret' were nailed on. 250mm rafters with 50mm spacers on them to allow for 300mm of insulation (hopefully the same insulation value as the strawbale walls).

The completed 'eagle' wing rafter system. Lovely to look at but all will be hidden from view in th e roof space

Rafters, 'spacers' running along them and then purlins crossing them for the tin roof to be screwed onto. Also the surrounding 'flying' rafter to help stabilise the overhanging rafter ends. Also included, though not clear in the photo, is the system of blocks between the rafters to help stabilise them too. A lot of wood for a strawbale house!

Tomek at the thicknesser exposing the amazingly grain in the Southern Beech mezzanine floor boards and the rimu ceiling.

Chari partiently stripping paint off the old weatherboards i took off the house (prior to Tomek passing them through the thicknesser)

Till sanding the splinters of teh rough sawn Oregon 10x2's, 6x2's and 4x2's. Basically all the roof and wall framing timber for the whole house!

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